A safe way to experience anxiety free dental work...

With sedation dentistry, the professionals at Soddy Daisy Smiles can help remove the sense of dread or anxiety you may have about visiting the dentist or having dental work completed.

In addition to commonly used pills and nitrous oxide, Dr. Robert Shearer has received extensive training and is certified by the Dental Board of Tennessee to offer intravenous sedation. Stressing how seriously we believe in comfortable care, fewer than 1% of dentist in Tennessee have received the certification required for IV sedation. His training allows him to provide the safest sedation available to his and Dr. Mandy's patients possible.

Your Options For Comfort Include:

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as "laughing gas," nitrous oxide is used to induce a state of relaxation.  This is the lightest form of sedation available at Soddy Daisy Smiles and permits simple procedures to be completed with increased comfort. When the procedure is finished patients are permitted to drive home as normal function is restored with oxygen administration.

Oral Sedation

Medication, in the form of pills taken orally, are prescribed for the patient and taken 30 minutes prior to their appointment.  These medications decrease anxiety and often induce a mild amnesia--allowing little memory of the dental visit.  This creates a level of sedation that is slightly deeper than that of nitrous oxide, but is still very safe and allows many patients to complete dental work they may have considered impossible before considering sedation dentistry.  Patients receiving oral sedation are not permitted to drive before or after the dental procedure; they must be escorted by a responsible adult.

Intravenous Sedation

Medications are administered through an IV, allowing us to keep patients comfortable throughout the procedure with added safety.  Unlike oral sedation, IV sedation works instantly and removes the uncertainty of how many pills will keep you comfortable. As the patient is sedated through the IV, we can tailor the medications to each patient's response accurately and safely. Patients receiving intravenous sedation are not permitted to drive before or after the dental procedure; they must be escorted by a responsible adult. 

Whether you've been postponing a simple dental checkup or a brand-new smile, we want to help!

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

One of the major benefits of sedation dentistry is that people often feel like their dental procedure lasts only a few minutes, when in fact it might have taken hours to perform. Therefore, complex dental procedures such as smile makeovers or extensive rebuilding procedures that normally require multiple visits can often be performed in fewer appointments.

If you are reluctant to change the appearance of your smile because you are afraid or anxious about undergoing long or complicated dental procedures, sedation dentistry can make you feel comfortable during the treatment process and help you achieve a smile you can be proud of.

Also, because sedation dentistry addresses some of the fears that keep people from going to the dentist on a regular basis, sedation dentistry patients are more likely to receive recommended routine care. As a result, they are less likely to neglect their oral health or allow oral health problems to build to the point when drastic dental treatments become necessary.


CALL TODAY to schedule your FREE consultation to see if you are a candidate for SEDATION DENTISTRY.


Dental Health

As dental professionals it is our priority to provide quality dental care you can trust.
